NARAGAKUEN Junior High School , High School


Field Work at Satoyama   (July 27, 2013)
 On July 27, we had an environmental seminar for the first grade students at our Junior high school.

 In the first period, Prof. Yabu of Wakayama University delivered a lecture on the connected role of Satoyama ( a small mountain in the area of the school campus ) with the life of the local people.

He emphasized that Satoyama plays various important roles, such as, supplying oxygen to the earth, storing water to control flooding, maintaining biodiversity, supplying energy from timber for human use, and so on. However, the area of Satoyama, or mountains in general, has been decreasing in Japan, because we have changed them, as well as rice fields into urban areas.

 In the 2nd and 3rd periods, students were divided into 4 groups. Students had 2 objectives. One was on how to correct this situation at Satoyama.
In doing so, students scooped sand from a small pond and carried it using a conveyer belt. The other goal was just to observe and learn in the field. There, they had short lectures about plants and insects, rice fields, and so on at selected points around Satoyama.