NARAGAKUEN Junior High School , High School


School Mascot is Created   (July 13, 2015)

A special event occurred recently when our school mascot was created and then unveiled
on July 13, 2015. The frog, which is unnamed for now, was conceived from two living
things commonly seen around the small hill area, called Satoyama, located on our
school campus.

The frog, which is a Nihon Akagaeru (literally meaning a Japanese Red Frog) is not
only found around the hill, but our students have also been researching the life of the
frogs for two years, now. And, they are going to present their research at a scientific
conference in Osaka this summer.

The other image seen with our frog is a mushroom, which is a Shiitake (type) in
Japanese. Every year the Grade 7 students use logs to grow the mushrooms which are
observed/studied and finally harvested about one year later.

The picture of our mascot is already being used on the homepage of our website.
We believe, it will be adored by our students and will surely become a very popular
ambassador of our school.


July 22, 2015
Our mascot was named "Yata Pyon" because it lives in Yata Hill and jumps like other frogs.

School Mascot is Created